Consultation Game
Harry Golombek. C. H. O'D. Alexander
Jonathan Penrose. Peter Clarke
The moves till now:
(1) P-K4. P-QB4: (2) Kt-KB3, P-K3; (3) P-Q4, PxP: (4) KtxP, P-QR3; (5) B-Q3, Kt-KB3: (6) Castles, P-Q3; (7) Kt-QB3, B-K2; (8) P-QKt3, Kt-B3: (9) Kt(Q4)-K2, Castles; (10) B-Kt2, P-QKt4; (11) Kt-Kt3, B-Kt2; (12) P-B4, P-KtS; (13) Kt-Ktl, Q-B2; (14) Kt-Q2, P-Q4; (IS) P-KS, Kt-Q2; (16) Q-R5, P-Kt3; (17) Q-R6. P-B4; (18) PXP C.P., Ktxp Find the Continuation
A class of schoolbovs works out the answer to Position No. 21. published in Radio Times a fortnight ago
No. 22 set by R. G. Wade