Repeated on Monday at 11.15 a.m. Produced bv
Betty Davies and Eileen Cullen
Mrs. Date writes:
At last we've found out what caused the food-poisoning in Parkwood Hill-Elsie confessed to me that unofficially she'd helped out in the preparation of the mayor's dinner-and she was already feeling sick and had a bad cold, so obviously she passed on a germ! I told her that she must confess to Mr. Bonner.
Mrs. Dale, Ellis Powell ; Dr. Dale, Jamet Dale ; Mrs. Freeman, Dorothy Lane ; Bob Dale , Leslie Heritage; David Owen , Robin Lloyd ; Given Owen , Aline Waites ; Billy Owen , Anthony Rees ; Miriam Dale , Brenda Dunrich ; Grandfather Dale. Jack Shaw ; Flora Dale, Madeleine Christie ; Louise Harrison , Gretel Davis ; Louie Harrison , Dorothy Black ; Elsie Freeman , Betty Hardy ; Mr. Bonner, James Thomp son; Nurse, Penelope Lee
Other parts played by members of the BBC Drama Repertory Company