Morning Prayer according to the Order of the Book of Common Prayer
From St. Alban's Church, Bristol
Conducted by the Vicar, the Rev. Austen Williams
Awake, my soul, and with the sun
(A. and M. 3)
Confession: Absolution
0 come. let us sing unto the Lord
Psalm 146
First Lesson: Ezekiel 34. vv. 23-31 We praise thee, 0 God (Te Deum)
Second Lesson: St. Luke 14. vv. 1-14 0 be joyful in the Lord (Jubilate) Creed
Versicles and Responses Collects and Prayers
God of mercy, God of grace (A. and M. 218)
Organist and Choirmaster, R. L. Keens