A play for broadcasting translated by Michael Bullock with Edward Chapman as Mr. Biedermann
Bernard Bresslaw and Michael Flanders
Continued in next column
In this play written for radio-first produced in Atunich in 1953 and since made into a television play and produced on the stage in the German-speaking world and in France-the witty Swiss author introduces us to a self-satisfied small-town citizen whose conduct as an employer and a manufacturer of hair restorative may not be above reproach but who has a sentimental streak and so cannot be harsh to two individuals who establish themselves in his loft. Surely these people cannot be the much-feared fire-raisers who have already caused such damage in the neighbourhood? If so, would they heap up so much inflammatory material and even ask their host for a box of matches? A situation which could well reflect upon our world..... Produced by H. B. FORTUIN
: second broadcast