from St. John's College,
Sentence and Exhortation
Confession and Absolution
Preces (Tomkins)
Psalms 108, 109 (omitting vv. 6-19)
First Lesson: Deuteronomy 30, w.
1-5 and 11-end
Magnificat (Howells, Collegium 8ancti
Johannis Cantabrigiense)
Second Lesson: Acts 17. vv. 16-31
Nunc dimittis (Hoioells, Collegium
Sancti Johannis Cantabrigiense)
Creed and Lesser Litany
The Lord's Prayer (Farmer) Responses (Tomkins) Collects
Anthem: Exultate Deo (Palestrina) Prayers
Good Christian men rejoice and sing
(St. John's College Hymn Book)
Organist and Choirmaster,
George Guest
Organ Student, Peter White