2.0 Science and Gardening:
' The Fall of the Leaf '
B. A. Keen
B. A. Keen has been broadcasting to schools for some years now, and most country youngsters in classrooms with radio sets are accustomed to his helpful talks on gardening and agricultural questions. In this, his iir.it broadcast of the term, Keen will explain how and why leaves are u.eful to a plant, and how at the present season the plant is preparing to shed them. The speaker will also discuss evergreens and their development.
2.15 Interlude
2.20 Music and Movement for Juniors (ages 7-9)
Ann Driver
2.40 Interlude
2-45 Junior English (ages 7-9):
' The Little Black Lamb' by Anne Carserley , arranged for broadcasting by Jean Sutcliffe
You will hear for the first time about a little boy called Paudeen and his friends. Look out for another story about him next Sunday.