' Rock Gardens'
Clarence Elliott
Clarence Elliott , who was fruit-farming in South Africa from 1902 to 1905 and established a nursery in Stevenage in 1907, is one of the greatest living authorities on Alpine plants. He goes abroad almost every year on plant collection expeditions. He was in Corsica in 1908 and in the Falkland Islands in 1910. He has been to the Pyrenees four Times, and to the Maritime Alps, the Savoy Alps, and the Dolomites repeatedly. In 1926 and 1927 he visited Majorca ; South America in 1927 and '28 ; Chile and the Andes in 1929 and '30 ; North America in 1932 ; and the Cantabrian Alps in 1935. He has lectured in the United States and in Sweden. His book, 'Rock Garden Plants', was highly praised.