Suzanne Yerles (soprano) Lydia Sariban (soprano) Lina Dauby (contralto)
Frederik Arispach (tenor)
René Letroye (tenor)
Maurice de Groote (bass)
Instrumental Ensemble
Directed by Paul Collaer
Six voices and instruments: Altrl canti di Marte; Due bell'occnl
Tenor, bass. and continuo: Se'l vostro cor Madonna
Two tenors, bass. and continuo:
(Continued in next column) de i languidi rniei sguardi
(soprano solo. Lydia Sariban )
Six voices and instruments: Hor che'l ciel e la terra
Chaconne for two tenors: Zeflro torna Two sopranos and instruments:
Chioine d'oro
Four voices: Tu dormi
Six voices and instruments: a quest' olmo
Three voices and instruments: II combattimento di Tancredi e Clorinda