from St Mary's Episcopal
Cathedral, Edinburgh.
Introit: Doctor Bonus amicus
Dei Andreas (Victoria) Responses (Smith)
Office Hymn: Jesus calls us! O'er the tumult
(St Andrew)
Psalms 147-50 (Marsh, Stanford, Walmisley, Stanford)
First Lesson:
Isaiah 47 w 1-6
Magnificat: Praetorius (Quinti toni)
Second Lesson: Matthew 4 w 18-22
Nunc dimittis (Victoria)
Anthem: The Spirit of the Lord (Elgar)
Hymn: Ye watchers and ye holy ones (Lasst uns erfreuen) Organ Voluntary:
Incantation pour un jour Saint (Langlais)
Organist and Master of the choristers
Timothy Byram-Wigfield Assistant organist Peter Backhouse