A Topical Supplement to the Week's Programmes
This evening starts the autumn series of probably the most popular speciality broadcast ever given by the B.B.C. It scored a hit from its inception in November last year and ran on until June.
Its element of surprise and introduction to listeners of those with unusual and colourful callings seem two of the chief reasons for its outstanding success. Two of the most popular figures to come to the microphone were the coloured tipster Ras Prince Monolulu with his slogan, 'I gottan 'orse', and the gypsy Petulengro. So many letters asking to hear them again were received that an exception was made, and both were also included at Radiolympia.
The autumn series will be run on the same lines - six or seven items each week, a percentage of people in unusual callings, and one outside broadcast if anything interesting suggests itself. The producer spends his time looking out for something likely, and thinking of 'In Town Tonight' he scans his fellow travellers in bus and train and tube.