The Order of Service for such as would enter into or renew their Covenant with God, according to the Methodist Book of Offices
From Wesley's Chapel, City Road, London, conducted by the Minister, the Rev. R. V. Spivey.
(Continued in next column)
Preacher, the Rev. H. Crawford Walters, President of the Methodist Conference
He that doeth the will of God
Prayers and Lesson
We come unto our fathers' God
(M.H.B. 71)
None other Lamb, none other Name
(M.H.B. 94)
Act of Praise and Thanksgiving
Jesus, the first and last (M.H.B. 105) Confession
Come. let us use the grace divine
(M.H.B. 749)
The Covenant
The Communion
Jesus, we thus obey (M.H.B. 761) Prayers
Captain of Israel's host (M.H.B. 608) Blessing
Nunc dimittis
Organist, Clifford Harman