at the theatre organ
The only organist that the Odeon, Leicester Square, has known since it was opened four years ago hails from Minnigafi, Galloway, and hence his signature tune, ' Bonnie Gallowa ' '. One of the first cinema organists to broadcast-he used to play in the 2LO days from the National Institute for the Blind-James Bell began his career, like so many of his colleagues, on a church organ, being taught by a blind organist whom he used to lead about. He was playing the organ at the parish church of Minnigaff at the age of ten.
Eight years later he was serving in the last war, first in the Royal Scots Regiment and then with the R.A.M.C. Demobilised, he became a student at the Royal College of Music, studying the organ under Sir Walter Parratt , the piano under Lloyd Powell, and conducting under Sir Adrian Boult.