on gramophone records
Tenor and Baritone
Hubert Eisdell (tenor) and Raymond Newell (baritone).
Because (d'Hardelot) : Margaret Eaves
(soprano), with orchestra .
Tom Bowling (Dibdin) : Walter Widdop
(tenor), with orchestra
Sweetest flower that bloometh (Peterson and Hawley) : Dora Labbette (soprano) and Hubert Eisdell , with piano
Thora (Adams) : Paul Robeson (bass)
Homing (del Riego) : Muriel Brunskill
I know of "two "bright eyes (Clulsam) :
Heddle Nash (tenor), with piano
Love's Garden of Roses (Haydn Wood)
Elsie Suddaby (soprano), with piano
Watchman, what of the night ? (Sargcant) :
Walter Glynne (tenor) and Stuart Robert son (bass-baritone)