From Chichester Cathedral.
Introit: All the Ends of the World (Boyce)
Responses (Sumsion)
Psalm 78 (Oakeley, Ouseley, Crotch, Goss, Oakeley, Atkins, Howells, Finzi, Mann)
First Lesson: Leviticus 12, w6-7a, 8 Canticles: Chichester Service (Archer) Second Lesson: Luke 2, w21-32
Anthem: We Will Rejoice in Thy Salvation (Croft)
Hymn: 0 Worship the King (Hanover) Organ Voluntary: Master Tallis's Testament (Howells)
Organist and master of the choristers Alan Thurlow.
Assistant organist Mark Wardell. Repeated tomorrow lam