(Section C)
Led by Laurance Turner
Conducted by Arthur Collingwood
Arthur Collingwood is Dean of the Faculty of Music at the University of Saskatchewan. He was for many years actively associated with music in Scotland, having been Lecturer on Music at Mareschal College, University of Aberdeen, and conductor of the Aberdeen Choral Union. He visited Canada to adjudicate at various Canadian musical competition festivals in 1929 and was invited to become the Carnegie Professor of Music at the University of Saskatchewan in 1931. Mr. Collingwood is the founder and conductor of the Saskatoon Symphony Orchestra, which gave eight concerts during the past season. (Incidentally, the personnel of the orchestra includes no fewer than ten nationalities.) Mr. Collingwood returns to Europe every summer and makes his vacation a real busman's holiday, hearing and seeing as much as possible of musical activities in the Old World.