The Drift of Time with My old village.... I planted myself everywhere under the trees in the fields and footpaths by day and by night. That's why
I have never put myself into the charge of the many-wheeled creatures that move on the rails, and gone back thither, lest I find the trees look small, and the fields shrunken, and the brooks dry and no voice anywhere....
Nothing but my own ghost to meet me at every hedge.
August 1887: RICHARD JEFFERIES lies ill and close to death. Far from his birth-place of Coate in Wiltshire, in his mind he returns again and again to his beloved Marlborough Downs
Music arranged and performed by Pete Shutler and Mac McCullough
Compiled from the writings of Richard Jefferies by SEAN STREET Producer JOHN KNIGHT BBC Bristol. Stereo
(Re broadcast next Tuesday) ● WODDIS ON: page 81