This week: Sir Bernard Delfont Part 1
Michael Craig continues the stories of the men who create the world of entertainment.
SIR BERNARD DELFONT Says: An impresario is one who promotes, or is the catalyst in presenting something to the public. He gathers all the elements together to give the public a form of entertainment, whether it be cultural concerts or a world championship boxing match.
OLGA WINOGRADSKY says about Sir Bernard Delfont : I said ' I think you should do something on your own - some business - open a little office and try and do what you can.' I said 'Look, take this pound, go in the West End and get a room - one room, there's always a phone and a table - phone up and ask for a typewriter on weekly payments and try and begin, and you'll see that the God will be good to you and he'll help you, because you've been so good to me all the time.' That's how he began. with Sidney Burns. Keith Devon Rita Freeman. Marie Harris Mollie Maureen. Esta Nossell Elsie Waters and Doris Waters Research BILL SULLIVAN Written by FRANK SALTER