by CHARLES DICKENS dramatised in eight episodes by starring
4: Moving On
Richard had begun to haunt the Court of Chancery. He told us how he saw Miss Flite there daily and how. while he laughed at her, he pitied her from his heart. But he never thought what a fatal link was riveting between his fresh youth and her faded age-between his free hopes and her caged birds.'
With WENDY MURRAY , DAVID MCALISTER , ANDREW SECOMBE Directed by JANE MORGAN (Repeated: Tues 3.2 pm) (Michael Bryant is a National Theatre player; Brenda Blcthyn is in ' Stcaminq ' at the Comedy Theatre, London; Sylvia Coleridge is in ' The Beastly Beatitudes of Balthazar B ' at the Duke of Yorlc's Theatre, London)