' So here I am, in the middle way, having had twenty years-
Twenty years largely wasted, the years of Ventre deux guerres —
Trying to learn to use words.....'
(T. S. Eliot )
A selective survey of English poetry in the 1920s by Patric Dickinson
Narrator, Felix Felton
Others taking part:
Janet Davies , Derek Birch
Hugh Burden , Norman Claridge
Valentine Dyall , Malcolm Graeme
Derek Hart. Anthony Jacobs Noel Johnson , Lionel Marson
Eric Phillips. John Phillips and Geoffrey Wincott
Production by Joe Burroughs
In this personal anthology Patric Dickin son sets out his impressions of what happened to English poetry in the 1920s; a decade, he says, that can more truly be called the beginning of the twentieth century than the years 1900-1918.
(The recorded broadcast of May 13)