from Wesley College, Headingley,
Theme—' Christ Triumphant'
5—' Over Sin '
Organ voluntary
8.0 Order of Service
Hvmn: Praise to the holiest in the height (M.H.B. 74 ; A. and M. 172 ; S.P. 625 ; Rv. C.H. 32)
Lord's Prayer
Psalm lxxxvi, 1-11
Lesson: Romans vii, 14-25 Prayers
Hymn: One who is all unfit to count (M.H.B. 159; Rv. C.H. 406)
Address by the Rev. Principal
Vincent Taylor , Ph.D., D.D.
Hymn: of the depths I cry to thee (M.H.B. 359)
Organist, C. T. Day