An appeal by The Rev. Laurie Pain on behalf of the Frimhurst Recuperative Home.
Contributions, preferably by crossed postal order or cheque, will be gratefully acknowledged and should be addressed to Laurie Pain, [address removed].
It is not usually a good thing for children to be separated from their parents Families in danger of breaking up come to 'Frimhurst' for help. In an atmosphere of kindness and understanding, many find the solution to their individual problems.
Hitherto television appeals have been broadcast on a national basis, but this Sunday as an experiment each BBC Region is carrying its own appeal.
6.50-6.55 Appeal: Meridian Hall and Methodist International House in Bristol, by Donald Mason.
(Rowridge, Brighton)
6.50-6.55 Appeal: Old People's Welfare Organisations in the Midlands and East Anglia, by Ald. Eric Mole, O.B.E., J.P.
(Oxford, Peterborough, Manningtree)