direct from Hereford Cathedral Introit: Lord, we beseech thee (Batten)
Versicles and responses: Ayleward
Psalms 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131 (Cutler, Cooke, Goss, Garrett, Felton, Rogers)
Lessons (Rsv): Jeremiah 15, vv 10-21; John 6, w 60-71
Office hymn: 0 kind Creator, bow thine ear (EH 66) Canticles: Wood in D
Anthem: Let all the world (Vaughan Williams)
Organ voluntary: Rhapsody in D flat, Op 17 (Herbert HoweUs) Organist and Master of the Choristers ROY MASSEY
Assistant organist DAVID BRIGGS BBC Birmingham