at Edgbaston (Third day)
Ball-by-ball commentaries by Brian Johnston, John Arlott, Christopher Martin-Jenkins and Alan Gibson with comments and summaries by Trevor Bailey and the Maharaja of Baroda
Close-of-play summary by E.W. Swanton
Scorer Bill Frindall
11.25-1.35* including lunch summary
1.55*-2.5* Lunchtime Scoreboard and reports.
Kent v Pakistan Touring Team: Neil Durden-Smith at Canterbury
Lancashire v Sussex: Mike Stevenson at Old Trafford.
2.141'-4.28' and 4.3C-6.40 with teatime and close-of-play summaries
Including at:
1.35'-1,48' News Weather
1.40'-1.55' The Positive World
A survey of the more hopeful trends in the world's news
Compiled and introduced by DONALD MILNER