With Rob Cowan.
Smetana Concert Fantasy on Czech Folk Songs Vera Repkova (piano)
10.12 Ghedini Concerto dell' Albatro Ben Grauer (narrator), Mischa Mischakov (violin), Frank Miller (cello), Artur Balsam (piano), NBC
Symphony Orchestra, conductor Guido Cantelli
10.41 Smetana In Bohemia; In the Salon; Before the Castle (Dreams) Frantisek Rauch (piano)
10.56 Schubert Symphony No 2 in B flat NBC SO, conductor Guido Cantelli
11.21 Smetana The Hen; Three Polkas (Czech Dances) Stefan Askenase (piano)
11.36 David Bedford The Rime of the Ancient Mariner (excerpt) Robert Powell (narrator), Mike Oldfield (guitar),
David Bedford (various instruments)