to Commemorate the 40th Anniversary of the End of the Second World War in the presence of HM The Queen,
HRH The Duke of Edinburgh and members of the Royal Family.
The National Anthem
Bidding prayer: The Dean of Westminster, THE VERY REV DR EDWARD CARPENTER Thanksgiving
Hymn: Praise, my soul, the King of Heaven
Prayers of Thanksgiving led by THE RT REV JOHN M. K. PATERSON, Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland
Ceremonial Prelude (Sir Arthur Bliss )
Prayer: Army Chaplain General, THE VEN FRANK JOHNSTON
Hymn: 0 God, our help in ages past
First Lesson: Isaiah 6, w 1-8 Read by a nurse Prayers led by his EMINENCE BASIL HUME, Cardinal Archbishop of Westminster Anthem: Turn back, 0 man, forswear thy foolish ways
(Genevan Psalter 1552, Clifford Bax arranged by Gustav Hoist ) Reconciliation and Healing Second Lesson: Matthew 5, w 23-24, 43-45; 6, w 14-15; 7, w 1-5, 12
Prayers of Reconciliation led by THE REV DR TUDUR JONES ,
Moderator of the Free Church Federal Council
Hymn: Thy Kingdom come, OGod
Sermon: THE MOST REV AND RT HON ROBERT RUNCIE , Archbishop of Canterbury
Hymn: For the healing of the nations
Hope and Dedication
Third Lesson: Philippians4, w 4-8 Read by HRH THE DUKE OF EDINBURGH Processional Dance of Hope during which will be read
John 12, v 24; Micah 4, w 3,4; Isaiah 11, vv 6, 9; Micah 6, v 8; John 13, v 34
Act of Dedication by THE REV ALAN LUFF , Precentor and Sacrist of Westminster Abbey and THE REV MICHAEL WEISMAN The Lord's Prayer
Hymn: Christ is the world's true light
Blessing: The Dean of Westminster, THE VERY REV
Organist and Master of the Choristers SIMON PRESTON
Westminster Abbey byWynfordVaughan-Thomas and Raymond Baxter