A reconstruction by G. W. Ireland
On Tuesday evenings for more than a quarter of a century there gathered in the flat of Stephane Mallarme a group of young writers and artists: many of them were later to rival in fame the Master himself. This reconstruction of an imaginary evening in the 1890s. Arthur Symons (Frank Duncanh Mallarmé
(Marius Gormg ): Paul, ;<ie% c,V„ J,y
McClelland): Paul Claudel (Derek Smith );
Andre Gide (Richard Hart ,: Pierre <-ou>s
(David Peel):Henri de Regnier (Gabriel
Wool!)- Francis Vieli-Gnfhn (Guy Kingsley
Poynter); Claude Debussy (William Squire );
Genevieve Mallarme (Freda Dowie )
Production by Anthony Thwaite