With Penny Gore. Music includes:
7.00-8.30: Ignaz Moscheles Anticipations of Scotland - a Grand Fantasia for piano and orchestra, Op 75 Tasmanian Symphony
Orchestra, director Howard Shelley (piano) JC Bach Symphony in E flat Hanover Band, director Anthony Halstead Chopin Barcarolle in F sharp, Op 60 Dinu Lipatti (piano)
Virgil Thomson Suite: The Plow That Broke the Plains New London Orchestra, conductor Ronald Corp
8.30-10.00: Bach Capriccio in B flat, BWV992 (Sopra la Lontananza del Suo Fratello
Dilettissimo) Kenneth Gilbert (harpsichord)
Uli Boulanger Du Fond de I'Abime (Psalm 130) Sally Bruce-Payne (mezzo), Julian Podger
(tenor), Monteverdi Choir, London Symphony Chorus and Orchestra/John Eliot Gardiner