Relayed from the Winter Gardens, Bournemouth THE BOURNEMOUTH MUNICIPAL AUGMENTED
Conducted by Sir DAN GODFREY FRANK PHILLIPS (Bass-Baritone)
GLAZOUNOV was born in Petrograd (where he still lives) in 1865. He is not an out-and-out member of the Russian ' national' school of composers, having a tendency to revert to the classical and the cosmopolitan. This Symphony, in E flat, is the fourth of eight that he has composed, and his forty-eighth work (of about eighty altogether). It is in three movements.
FIRST Movement. A rather slow, plaintive Introduction, leading into a quick Movement, in which the tune heard at the opening of the Introduction is made use of. SECOND Movement. A Scherzo, a rapid lively Movement.
THIRD Movement. Another rather slow
Introduction, leading into a quick Movement. Here again, the First Main Tune of the slow portion (it comes on the Clarinet) is employed in the quick Movoment proper. In the course of his development of the many ideas he uses, tho Composer introduces a reminiscence of the Symphony's opening melody.