This is the fourth broadcast of this original and popular feature of Ernest Longstaffe's, and the two men who are to sit in the stalls tonight and describe the turns at the first house of the imaginary Palace of Varieties are Horace Percival and Gordon Bailey.
John Rorke is to appear as a typical music-hall comic; Claude Hulbert and Enid Trevor are to do 'Some More Nonsense'; Percy Pryde, well known on the halls and in pantomime, but new to broadcasting, is to show with his one-string fiddle that he is indeed 'The Wizard of One String'; Edwin Lawrence, just back from a twenty weeks' tour of Australia, is to give some more 'nonsense speeches in Hyde Park'; Jack Ford, Canadian tenor, will sing some of his best songs; and the pocket comedian, Ivor Vintor, will appear with his company in another 'Harold' episode. Finally, there will be a fifteen-minute production, Turn on the Music, starring Tommy Handley. The whole programme to be supported by the BBC Variety Orchestra and Reginald Foort at the Theatre Organ.