+ : 0.5 : 50%
If you recognise that these symbols are alt expressions of the same quantity, you have * practical understanding of arithmetic. If you can roughty estimate the size cf your supermarket bill before you pay it, you have a practical arithmetical s)[i). But. it is claimed, fewer and fewer of us can do either ef these things; that ' new ' or ' modern ' maths, inadequate teaching, and our dependence on calculators share the blame; in other words, that we don' (or can') count any more. David Smteton Investigates the mathematical health of the nation in the company of Professor Bryan Thwaitcs. who helped Initiate New Maths in this country: headmaster Peter Dines , former Secretary of the Schools Council; Dr William Ceckcroft. chairman of a current inquiry into the teaching of mathematics; researcher Dr Ruth Rees. who has some answers already: ana the teachers and cumis nf Crnbtree / Junior School.Harpenden. Hertfordshire fordshire. Producer