' The Little Jan Pandrum '
A serial play for the younger listeners by Phyllis and R. C. Scriven
1—' The Silver Buttons '
Production by May E. Jenkin
Little Jan Pandrum, aged ten, the son of Great Panjandrum, goes out into the world to prove his worth and to learn how to he a Great Panjandrum like his father. His blue silk coat has magic silver buttons, which stay bright as long as he is on the right path but turn dull when he goes wrong. His companions are Jumping Bean in a wooden box, who warns him of danger, and Woppity. a rabbit.
Children who remember ' Baron Bear' will undoubtedly look forward to R. C. Scriven's new fantasy.
5.35 ' The Adventures of Smiley,', by Moore Raymond
1—' Smiley and the Pommy '