(By Special Request)
MOST of the last-century Russian Composers were ardent ''Nationalists,' but Arensky is an exception. His is largely cosmopolitan music, tuneful, graceful, and easily enjoyed at the first hearing.
His Trio in D Minor contains four Movements, of which the FIRST is lively, graceful, and occasionally forceful, working up to some strong climaxes.
The SECOND is a v i vaciou Scherzo, at full speed, that has a middle section in quieter mood.
The THIRD is a slow Movement, entitled Elegy.
The FINALE surpasses in energy the First Movement. In the middle of it there is a lull, and, in slower time, we have a reminiscence of the melody heard at the opening of the work. Then the brilliant stylo is resumed, and the piece flashes on to its conelusion with arpeggios, from the Piano and chords from the Strings.