The last independent feudal state within the British Empire.
An account of the lives and customs of the people throughout the year, taken from recordings made on the island by La Dame de Serq
William Carre, Seneschal de Serq
Bertie Falle, Philip Guille, Philip Hamon, Walter Vibart, Henri Carré, Mai Carré, W. le Feuvre, H. le Feuvre, John Baker, and W.H. Carre
The music specially composed by Philip Sainton and played by the BBC Orchestra (Section C), led by Manus O'Donnell, conducted by the composer
Written and produced by Francis Dillon
La Dame de Serq, owner of the Island of Sark, owes allegiance to the Duke of Normandy, our present King, and holds the island under a grant made by Queen Elizabeth.
BBC apparatus paid a visit to this unique little island a few months ago, and collected the recorded voices of La Dame de Serq, the Seneschal of Sark, who is President of the Chief Pleas - Sark's parliament - and of the fisher-folk and farmers of this island paradise. The broadcast will include the chatter of the local patois and recordings of native songs and dances.