' Swimming Championship, 1936'
Last year our National Swimming Championships, organised by the Amateur Swimming Association, were centralised for the first time and were swum for at Blackpool under the auspices of the Northern Counties' Amateur Swimming Association. This year they are to be held at the Empire Pool, Wembley, under the auspices of the Southern Counties' Amateur Swimming Association, and will be swum for next week from Wednesday, July 1, to Saturday, July 4. Next year they will be held in one or other of the remaining three districts-Midland, West, and North-East. They are of the utmost importance to our swimming world because through them we shall be choosing our Olympic swimming and diving team.
This evening Mr. A. J. Perring ,
Chairman of the Committee of the Southern Counties' Amateur Swimming Association, is to talk about Championships and especially about next week's events. On Saturday, July 4, many of the finals will be decided.