Each year, school debating societies throughout the country compete for The Observer Mace. The final this year was held last night at Grey Coat Hospital in London, in the presence of the patron of the Schools Debating Association, Lord Hailsham of St Marylebone
Kingston Grammar School will propose the motion: 'In the opinion of this House, international sport is inseparable from foreign policy.'
Opposed by Haberdashers' Aske's School for Girls
Winchester College will propose the motion: 'This House applauds local authorities who declare themselves nuclear-free zones.'
Opposed by Swanshurst School, Birmingham
Chairman of the judges The Rt Hon Leon Brittan, MP
Including highlights from the debates, adjudication and the patron's summing up.
(Repeated: Thurs 11.30 am)
(Schools that would like further information about the competition should send an sae to: [address removed])