by Laurie Lee
An imaginative reconstruction of the legend of the Bounty mutineers after their occupation of Pitcairn Island.
John Adam (Ralph Truman ); Fletcher Christian (Wilfred Babbage ); Andrew Young (Denis Goacher ); Quintal (Victor Platt ); Mc-Coy (Denys Hawthorne ); Brown (William Eedle ); Williams (Norman Wynne ); Susan (Pauline Henriques ); Manoa (Isla Cameron ); Jenny (Kathleen Helmc ); Another Tahuian (Sheila Grant ); Timoa (Hugh Burden ); Talaloo (Leigh Crutchley ); Menalee (David Spenser ); Tetaheite (Nicky Edmett )
Production by Louis MacNeice