St. Anne's Cathedral, Belfast
Introit: Lord, for thy tender mercies' sake (John Hilton the Elder)
Preces and Responses (Byrd)
Psalm 69 (BattishiU in A minor and ilulton Stewart in C)
Psalm 70 (Camidge in E minor) Magnificat and Nunc dtmittis
(Byrd—Short Service)
Anthem: Hear my prayer (Purcell) Lessons: Exodus 6, vv. 2-13, 7, vv.
1-2; Colossians vv. 2-18 (N.E.B.)
Voluntary: Prelude and Fugue in A minor (S.543) (Bach)
Organist and Master of the Choristers, HARRY GRINDLE
Assistant organist, R. Huston Graham