' Sea Harvests - 1, Into Deep Water
From April to June this year eleven talks on Sea Communications dealt with everything appertaining to the Mercantile Marine. Today the series ' Down to the Sea in Ships ' passes on to fishing, and in an introductory talk Mr. Wynn Thomas is to describe the three divisions of the industry : inshore fishing, herring fishing, and trawling. He will show how they are related to each other, and in discussing some of the problems of marketing, he will stress the point that in spite of the name Sea Harvests, it is a case of reaping what you don't sow ; on the other hand it is the most difficult harvest to bring to market...
Mr. Wynn Thomas started at the Board of Education; went to the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries ; became Principal in the Fisheries Department; and is now Assistant Secretary on the Agricultural side of the Ministry. He has been joint secretary to each of the two fishery commissions : the Committee of the Fishery Industry of the Economic Advisory Council, and the Sea Fish Commission which has just published its report on white fish.
Eight weekly talks by various experts are to follow today's introduction ; then a feature programme and finally a summary will bring ' Sea Harvests ' to a close on October 2.