from The Old Church, Cumnock, Ayrshire.
With Church choirs from the Parish and Cumnock Academy Senior Choir
Introduced by Murdoch McPherson.
Ye gates lift up your heads on high (Tune, St. George's Edinburgh)
The Lord's my Shepherd (Tune, Orlington)
Brightly beams our Father's mercy (Tune, Lower Lights)
Who would true valour see (Tune, Monk's Gate)
We have heard a joyful sound (Tune, Limpsfield)
Our Lord Christ hath risen (Tune, Kirn)
The Love of God (Tune, St. Clairsville)
Thou art coming, O my Saviour (Tune, Beverley)
Now let heaven and earth adore thee (Chorale from 'Sleepers, wake!' (Bach)
Beneath the Cross of Jesus (Tune, St. Christopher)
I'm not ashamed to own my Lord (Tune, Jackson)
Now the day is over (Tune, Lyndhurst)