from Carlisle Memorial Methodist
Church, Belfast
Hymn No. 8, 0 worship the King.
Tune, Hanover, by W. Croft , 1678-1727
Hymn No. 300, Breathe on me, breath of God. Tune, St. Beuno, by J. C. Bridge, 1853-1929
Hymn No. 448, 0 Love that wilt not let me go. Tune, St. Margaret, by A. L. Peace , 1844-1912
Hymn No. 320, Art thou weary, art thou languid? Tune, Stephanos, by E. W. Bullinger
Hymn No. 945, The night is come, wherein at last we rest. Tune, The Blessed Rest, by J. Barnby , 1838-1896
Hymn No. 667, The day Thou gavest, Lord, is ended. Tune, St. Clement,' by C. C. Scholefield, 1839-1904
(All numbers are takerr from The Methodist Hymn Book, 1933 Edition)