Script by Jonquil Antony
Last week Mrs. Dale and Sally drove down to Gimlet Green. Sally and Mrs. Dale went to tea with the vicar, the Rev. Francis Austen, who told them about Christopher Allardyce and baby Timothy who were staying with him. Christopher's wife had died and left him with a three-months-old baby, which he was looking after himself. Having now been offered a job abroad for five years, he was very worried as to how Timothy could be cared for. Late that night Sally came into Mrs. Dale's bedroom and said she had had the most wonderful idea: she proposed that Timothy should live at Virginia Lodge. In the morning Mrs. Dale decided against it but found Sally had already told one baby's father. Gwen and David were about to give a dinner party to Mr. Fulton and an influential American friend when Gwen got imprisoned in the dining-room behind Maud's gigantic Chinese cabinet and had to be rescued by the fire brigade.
Principal characters this week: