Organ voluntary
9.30 Order of Service
Introit: Grant to us, Lord, we beseech thee (Longhurst)
Through the night of doubt and sorrow (A. and M. 274 ; S.P. 678 ; Rv. C.H. 214)
Confession and Absolution
Lord's Prayer and Versicles Psalm cxii
Lesson: I Thessalonians v, 14-24 Benedictus
The King of love my shepherd is (A. and M. 197 ; S.P. 654'; Rv. C.H. 438)
Address by the Rt. Rev. the Lord Bishop of Lichfield
Teach me, my God and King (S.P. 652 ; Rv. C.H. 511)
Organist and Master of the Choristers, Ambrose P. Porter