Suggest an edit16:30Nigel Patrick with Janette Richer and Colin Gordon in 'AMBROSE IN PARIS'Light Programme Sun 7th Sep 1958, 16:30 on Light ProgrammeView in Radio TimesA serial thriller in eight episodes by Philip Levene 7—'World Wide Antiques' Other parts played by Armand Guinle and Jeffrey Segal Production by Archie CampbellContributorsUnknown:Philip LevenePlayed By:Armand GuinlePlayed By:Jeffrey SegalProduction By:Archie CampbellAmbrose West:Nigel PatrickNicky Beaumont:Janette RicherReggie Davenport:Colin GordonPaul Darrow:Kenneth FortescueMadame Vilmet:Patience CollierProfessor Ling:Heron CarvicInspector Calvin:Olaf PooleyJohn P Masterson:MacDonald ParkeAndrew Benson:James Thomason Source: Radio Times Suggest an edit