(Church of England) from St. Margaret's, Lee, Blackheath
Organ Voluntary
11.0 Order of Service
Hymn, Glory be to Jesus (A. and M. 107)
Confession and Absolution
Lord's Prayer and Lesser Litany Paraphrase, Isaiah liii Lesson, Peter ii, 11-25
Hymn, There is a green hill far away
(A. and M. 332 ; S.P. 131)
Creed and Collects
Litany, God the Father, God the Son (A. and M. 466 ; 2, 6-8, 12 and 13) The Grace
Hymn, When I survey the wondrous
Cross (A. and M. 108 ; S.P. 133)
Address by the Rev. Canon F. H.
Hymn, My God, accept my heart this day (A. and M. 349 ; S.P. 254)
Organist and Choirmaster,
R. Clifford Smith