The series which gives members of the public a camcorder in order to pursue their own investigations into something that troubles them, makes them angry, or excites their curiosity.
This week: Sarah Brignall has spent a small fortune on anti-wrinkle creams over the last ten years. Now armed with her camcorder she's trying to penetrate deep into the advertising claims of the beauty industry to see if she has spent her money wisely. Farmer Martin Pitt has kept free-range hens on his farm in Wiltshire for years. He knows that they are contented and free but questions whether eggs sold in supermarkets under the label free-range are really the product of happy hens. Are free-range hens any healthier than battery and barn birds? Martin sends the eggs away to laboratories for chemical analysis and checks out first-hand the conditions hens really live in. Executive producer Debbie Chnstie
WRITE TO: Private Investigations, PO Box 5029, London W 12 6AG.