in songs at the piano
Sam Costa was in the advertising business until they fired him for thinking more about playing the piano than selling space. An uncle put a job in his way-to take a band to Margate, in the summer of 1929. They played at Dreamland, and were all young people. Nat Temple, saxophone, is now with Harry Roy ; Maurice Burman , drums, is now with Billy Bissett ; Sam Costa played the piano and sang.
He was destined to join Jack Pad -bury's dance band, and then to broadcast with Jack Jackson , and then with Maurice Winnick , both from Ciro's and the San Marco. He has been on the air with dance bands constantly since 1931. Last summer he broadcast in a Variety programme. This afternoon, for the first time, he is on the air on his own. His songs will be of popular appeal, and he will accompany them himself.