Sir OLIVER LODGE : ' Do we Survive ? '
IT is no reflection on the distinguished speakers who have already broadcast in this series to say that tonight's talk has been eagerly awaited, for they themselves will almost certainly be among the most interested of listeners.
Sir Oliver Lodge , by his illustrious achievements and brave beliefs, is known outside the world of science. To the man and woman in the street his name is familiar.
As he himself puts it, those who have come before him in this series have discussed facts, and he is to jump at once from facts to the conclusion to be drawn from them. Do we survive ?
This question can never be far from the thoughts of us all. This man believes, that man doubts, another hopes, yet another denies. Sir Oliver Lodge , with the simplicity of a great man, will tell listeners of communications he believes that he has had with members of his own family, and he will deal with communications believed to have been received from various people after their death.