A discussion between MR. DOUGLAS JERROLD and DR. HUGH DALTON , B.Sc.
A broadcast debate that touches the basis of modern capitalist society. At a time when profits are hard to get and few in number, the systerr that sacrifices all other considerations to the prospect and attainment of profit is more closely scrutinised than in a period of easy money. Dr. Hugh Dalton is an economist who has closel) examined the incidence of taxation, and he is well qualified to question the methods by which profit is gained. Mr. Douglas Jerrold is a publisher and an author actively in touch with the international situation. This debate should 1 be useful in co-ordinating the flood of opinions and statements upon the proper way of organis- ' ing the economic life of a modern state which have resulted from the recent financial crisis in the United States. The prospect of the most commercial and openly profit-seeking nation in the modern world reaching overnight a state of temporary monetary dislocation has set men and women everywhere thinking again of the assumptions that can result in such a state of affairs.