@ Junior English
'The Story of Roast Pig'
This afternoon's play is based on an idea taken from Charles Lamb 's famous essay, ' Dissertation on the Origin of Roast Pig '. How much of the story is fact and how much fable will probably never be known, though Lamb himself claimed that it was discovered in an ancient Chinese manuscript. At all events, it is the naive and whimsical story of how, in long-ago China, Bo-Bo, the loutish son of Ho-ti, was left at home to look after a sow which had just farrowed. Bo-bo, fond of fire, plays with it once too often on this occasion, and the house goes up in flames. Anxiously endeavouring to haul the burnt and blackened sow from the inferno, he repeatedly licks his fingers to cool them ; the taste is delicious, and the result one in which, for many weeks to come, the whole countryside burns down its houses whenever it wants to taste roast pig.
3.5 @ Interval Music
3.10 Feature Programmes and @ Topical Talks
A programme built round the events of the past week
3.30 Interval Music
3.35 Talk for Sixth Forms
@ Foreign Affairs-3