opened by Noel Edmonds
Lines open at 9.30 on [number removed] (Please dial carefully. If you don't, you'll probably drive someone mad with your wrong numbers and Noel will get the blame)
9.45* The Great Grape Ape returns to Balaboomba. (Clever to get there once, let alone twice, but nothing stops our Purple Pal!)
Not only Swaporama with Keith Chegwin But today Keith Sings! Listen out this morning for two tracks from his latest album.
Join in John Craven's News Swap. Send your news to Swap Shop and you could be the stringer of the week.
11.0* Huckleberry Hound and by special request of thousands of swappers, it's Bailey's Comets!
It's Football Saturday!
You can chat and swap with Everton star Duncan McKenzie who is calling in today.
Any Mice in your House?
If you've got more than you can cope with why not swap with Kim Bramley? She's got about 50 but she can't get a squeak out of any of them!
It's a Nationwide phone-in this morning with Valerie Singleton (She's mouse mad too! Did you know?) Give Val a ring if you want to know more about what it's like to work on a top television show.
Swap of the Pops: 'Mull of Kintyre' - a Christmas hit from Wings.
Long Tall Ernie and the Shakers - Holland's No 1 rock 'n' roll band - first time here with some old songs and some new.
Join in Noel's Top Ten Swap Send your postcards to:
Multi-Coloured Swap Shop, [address removed]